Low Carb Mini Cinnamon Roll feat FiberGem®, GemPro® HPG and GemPro® Prime-E

Low Carb Flour Blend

It's no secret that the combination of Manildra's FiberGem, GemPro HPG, and GemPro Prime-E can create a low carb flour alternative for a variety of baked goods. In the correct proportions, viscoelastic properties can be customized to the needs of specific products like bread, buns, tortillas, and even cinnamon rolls!


Coming in at 90% dietary fiber means that FiberGem can help add fiber contents to finished products while also helping to reduce the net carbohydrate count. 


Both GemPro HPG and GemPro Prime-E contain 90% protein and provide functional properties to dough systems. GemPro HPG provides strength, structure, and binds water. GemPro Prime-E imparts extensibility, softness, and tenderness.